Saturday, December 12, 2009

Trimming the tree

Greg's family got a lovely fresh tree and this last weekend we got to have a little dinner and then decorate it with their family's cherished ornaments.

Also, baked apples are the best winter dessert ever. Well, besides hot cocoa.

Later this same evening we attended two other Christmas parties, which were just about as different from each other as they could have been. We did score a nice wine rack and some salts, and some sweet candy courtesy of the white elephant gift exchanges.

Sunday was mostly notable in that we spent a part of the morning dealing with the fact that Greg's wallet had fallen out of the car and onto the road... resulting in the wallet's destruction and having pieces of his identity scattered up a very busy road. Thank goodness for the kindness of an early morning jogger who found the important things like the driver's license and debit card.

Also, I got an estimate on my car and it is going to be very expensive to get it fixed. Sad.

But other than that it was a good weekend.

I even scrapped a little. But that will have to wait for another post...

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