Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pinterest Check in: May 2011

Hello and Happy May (and also happy scrapbooking day).

Life has been absolutely insane lately - thus the lack of posts on my poor blog. My team at work is down by two people so I've been working like a crazy person. This leaves me basically enough energy to eat, sleep and hang out with humans; i.e. not a ton of time or energy for creativity.

But it busts out here and there.. mostly on Twitter and Pinterest. Here is the current snapshot of Pinterest in May. I really like being able to see how my pins have changed... look at the trending if you will.

Looking at this, you can tell I have minibook fever on the brain. And apparently, want to play with stamps, tape and paint. All in good time. The Portland book is a good 1/3 done. So I'm hoping to get some photos of that this weekend, but we'll see. I also have a few finished scrapbook pages (!) and some art journal and ATC stuff to share.

Hope you get some good creativity time this weeked. :)

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