Friday, July 8, 2011

Urban Craft Uprising: This Weekend!

Every year, since the first show in 2004, I have attended the crafty goodness that is Urban Craft Uprising. It's my favorite local craft show and I'm so happy that it's now bi-annual.

I've been really pleased that it has grown and done so well. The website had gotten so much better, the community stronger and in general, show production much much slicker. I'm hoping that it will actually grow up enough to be the west coast equivalent of something like Renegade. We'll see.

This weekend is the Summer edition of the show, and I'm pleased to report I've been able to carve out some time to attend (barely). It's free, and the first few folks who show up each year get a bag of swag.

If you'd like to see a few photos, my Flickr set is here. And a few of my posts are available here, if you want to check out past experiences.

I'm hoping to have a good time supporting my local craft. I'll be taking a camera, so a blog post will surely be forthcoming.

happy friday!

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