Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sweet Sweet Spuds

Here are some more sneekies of my layouts for the Feb Sweet Spuds kit.
The kit goes live tomorrow!

Can't believe it's already almost February. Where did January go?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A little something...

Just a little sneakie of a Sweet Spuds Layout... nuthin too special. ;)

I put up a new postcard yesterday.
I have no idea how I managed to live until now without a Heidi Swapp Edge distresser tool. It's probably one of the coolest things since sliced bread. I'm just saying....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Two things.

First. I am currently reading Ali Edwards' new book Life Artist (I finally bought it yesterday at the crop.)

Oh. My. Goodness.

I am so inspired by this book. It's so where I am at right now, creatively. I love AE. When I met her at CKC in Nov I was so impressed by how kind and down to earth she was. Her "voice" is so present in this book. My favorite quote from the book so far is: "I'm in this hobby for the long run. It's a huge part of my everyday life, and I plan to enjoy the process."

Second thing. Here is a little sneak peek of a layout I made with the Feb Sweet Spuds kit.
Yes. I know. Again with the pink.

I have no idea what's come over me.

My first day crop...

So yesterday I spent pretty much all day (and into the night) at Lasting Memories for my first all day crop with some of the fabulous ladies that I've met through Scrap In Style.
I had sooo much fun. I finished six pages for the circle journal we did and also did a couple of dares for my mini-dares book. I'll get pictures of my pages up later.
But, here are some pictures I took at the crop!
Thanks for looking. Ladies, I totally hope to see you all in person again soon.

And there's always the SIStv boards!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

This is fabulous.

I *heart* Elsie.

She is just so cute, creative, and colorful and well.. fabulous.

She just posted some sneaks of her next "book" and OMG I am so excited.

Here is the post. Sigh. I want it NOW.

This just in....

I've added these lovelies to my etsy shop.. if you're interested....

Come check it out here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mini Dares Album

I was never around back in the day when The Dares started. I really love them though, and decided to do them, but in a mini-book.

The album is made from wood that I got from the craft store (yay Crop-O-Dile). It measures 2.75 x 5.5. I used alcohol inks to color the book rings and the eyelets.

Doing this has been good therapy for me while I feel so cruddy. (Did I mention I had to go back to the ER yesterday?)

I can't wait to fill this baby up!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Luv on the rocks...

Okay, how hot is this? This is the sneak peek of the Sweet Spuds February kit. You can pre order it now.

I just got mine today and * dang *

There are so many possibilities because it is PACKED with goodies. Can't wait to get to scrappin.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Playing with my toys...

I got a crop-o-dile for Christmas and haven't really played around with it yet. I am working on a little something and can I just tell you, I *heart* my lil crop-o-dile. It's so awesome.

I also started messing around with alcohol inks (mmm black ink) on this project. I'm on the fence about these still. I think I will try to find some video tutorials that will hopefully help me to use these better. It's all about experimentation with your art though, right?

Oops! It's art.

My take on ScrapMojo Challenge #7. Come play along! It's fun.
You just use some old "junk" and staples. Note: be sure to avoid stapling yourself. I had some problems with that one. :D

I used my "scratch paper" from my paint projects, a fruit net thing, some cardboard, an old doily, some Love Elsie packaging and of course, staples.

G really really hates this photo of me. He said my smile looks all fake and scary. I can kind of see that, as I was making a face and this is kind of what happened after the face... Hmm. The hair looks good though....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fun with Paint (and mixed media)

Tutorial is up. Check it.

Still feeling weak and sickly. Back to bed.

Daily Card Catchup

Here they are, at long last. Daily cards from Dec 16 to Jan 2.


Thanks for looking.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

15 Minutes of Fame

How exciting is this?

I am the famer this week at Unpubbed. I have never been published in any magazine or book.

I'm pretty convinced that my style is not what they are looking for in a professional publication. That's cool with me, I just like to make stuff that I like.

I am so psyched about this though. I remember when I started really scrapping and I found this site. I was all like, that's so cool. Maybe someday I could be up here. And today I am!

I think it is extrememely cool that some peeps are going to use a LO that I made as inspiration for their own pages. You should totally check it out because it looks like there is a swank prize in the offing.

So, yesterday I left work early to go to my doctor. I have been feeling pretty bad the last few days and I told her my symptoms and she told me to go to the ER. So, three exams, two blood draws, an IV, an injection and a CT scan later, I still feel awful and they don't exactly know what is wrong with me. The good news is that I am not in immediate danger of dying. The bad news is is that they don't know what's really wrong with me and now I have a huge medical bill to deal with.

So, instead of showing you a photo of my hand in an IV, or how I look right now (baaad), I will share with you a photo I took earlier yesterday. The photo above is my desk shelf at work. Even at work I like being surrounded by things that inspire me. And boy can I tell you how much I love the new Winter Phase I mugs? I also got a matching notebook that I am completely in love with. Ah Starbucks Art Department, someday I will work for you....

Thank you to everyone that has looked at the Postcard project. I am heartily encouraged by all of your support. I look forward to seeing your creations soon as well.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Postcard #1

all posted. come check it out.

Tutorial will be up later in the week.

I had so many ideas for this one I might just make another one!

Monday, January 14, 2008


So.. recently, Unpubbed had an open call, for people to submit layouts, any layouts. So I submitted a layout.

And it won! Check it.

I found out today. I am so floored.

I submitted my "Life Is" layout that I made with the Sweet Spuds November kit. It's one of my very favorites, so I'm glad it's getting a little extra props.

Just wanted to share.

Ooooh also, Tim Holtz just posted a cool new tutorial thingy on his blog. Check it out here.

Sneaks for the Postcard project will be up later.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

ScrapMojo #7 Sneak Peeks

Here are some sneakies of my LO for the next ScrapMojo challenge. It's going to be super fun (and challenging--I had to really wrack my brain to think of what to do...).

And yes, that is pink on a layout. Shocking, but true. :)

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