Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today in pictures...

I've been trying very very hard to take more photos. That was my major goal for the weekend. To that end....

Here is a photo of my new blouse (playing with angles again...)
Here is a photo of my favorite denim skirt. I made it a few years ago but never "documented" it. I sewed it ALL by hand (damaging several needles and my hands in the process.) I made it from an old pair of jeans. :D
I strung a new long bead necklace made from a few neckaces I combined (yay Target dollar spot). There is just something SO soothing about jewelry-making.
I scored a polaroid camera for $3 at Goodwill. Now I just have to find film for it. :D
Here is my inspiration corkboard right now.
This is my desk right now...
Totally can't wait to play with my new splotchy stamp.

Here is a sneak peek of some Starbucks ATCs I made for a swap on the SIStv boards.
I also got this in the mail yesterday. Cannot wait to start playing with it. I think there are still a few more for sale here.
So... that's what I'm up to. Hope your weekend is going well. ;)

You ready?

Here are some sneaks of a little something I worked on last night:

Off to go to the market and hopefully, get some thrifting in.
I LOVE the weekends.

Friday, March 28, 2008

stuck. in. my. head.

Have had this song stuck in my head for the last two days straight.

of COURSE I had to share. :D

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Art is Found

I had posted a little bit ago about an awesome challenge blog that I came across (by Miss Kara) called The Art Is Found.

Well, I finally got some stuff made for it. I'm doing a minibook. (surprise, surprise.)The cover is from a Starbucks Black Apron Exclusives coffee package. I used packaging (I swear that Love Elsie stuff is such a great bonus), a fortune cookie, a spare ATC and some other scraps.
I'm having fun with it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

April Showers bring...

Actually, it snowed at my house tonight. But then again I suppose it is still March....

Anyway... the sneak peeks of the April Sweet Spuds kit "Woodgrain" is up. As you can see above, it has TONS of goodies in it. Including that one paper with the tiny woodland creature on it.

You know you wanna scrap with that...


So, in case you couldn't tell, I am hugely inspired by the work of Kristina Contes. The girl has mad freaking skills.

I recently bought a Team KC button from the fabulous Ms. KC (in addition to two of her class kits...)

I had this idea to take some photos of the button Amelie-gnome style. You know, in various places. These photos were my first experiments. I recently uploaded them into the team kc flickr group. There is some serious eye candy in that group. Love it.

Also, the latest dare is sponsored by Gina from Sweet Spuds. Holy bjolies people! That is two of my favorite things all mooshed into one. I think that I shall die from happiness.

We lost power for a bit this week. It's all back up now though. Thank goodness. I cannot live without my internets.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome Spring

The tree in front of my house is blossoming.
It looks like spring is here.

The weather is still a bit cold though. I'm enjoying staying in and having cozy time at home. I did a little spring cleaning. And a little scrapping....

Here is a sneak of some ATC's I made for Swapped. They went postal on Friday (late, very very late...) I hope they get there safely.

Looking forward to starting a class with Shimelle tomorrow. You can still sign up for it here.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mini Dares #3

Making some progress...
Here are my latest lovelies based on the dares. Making stuff in tiny format is good. Very good.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Scrap Mojo #11

is up! And here is my canvas.
You can totally play along here.

Use a particular Seuss-ian quote and use a Seuss book as a sketch. Fun stuff.

I am so blown away by what the other girls on the DT made. Wow.

Today I bowled...

It's a very good thing my friends like me for reasons other than my bowling average.
(it's not very good)
It turns out that I am much better at Wii Bowling than real-life bowling. (Also, I don't have to wear borrowed shoes when I bowl with the Wii.)
Today was good times. :D

Monday, March 17, 2008

Canvas love

So... I finished my first canvas ever. And I'm totally in love! It felt so good to paint on a canvas. It's so... tactile.

I also used some goodies from my March SoML kit and some stuff from my stash.

I can't actually show the whole thing yet, as I made it for ScrapMojo #11. But I will share the full reveal on the 20th when the next challenge goes live. Yay!

The craft store totally had a sale on canvases and I went out and got some more. My favorite size thus far is 5x7.

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