Saturday, August 30, 2008

Adventures in TTV

so... gone a little crazy for the TTV stuff. wandered around pioneer square for a bit this weekend and took a ton of pictures. Made a new set for my flickr, just to contain them all.

Having tons of fun though. And the cleaning is progressing well, especially as I have House season four to watch while doing so. I can actually work on my desk again, hooray!

happy saturday :D

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Digi pages!

Hah! Who needs a clean desk when you can ScrapBlog!
peace out.

Travel Plans

Real sample of a gmail chat between Greg and I regarding our upcoming European vacation:

me: you need to quit wanting to go to places that don't exist.

Greg: Muh? What doesn't exist now?

me: robespierre was originally buried in an unmarked grave but then his body was moved to somewhere in the catacombs with a bunch of ofther people

Greg: Hey, I prefaced that desire with "If feasible"

me: fair enough. I am teasing a little.

Greg: ;)

me: anything else you want to see? a crumple horned snorkback, perhaps?

Greg: I'm just happy that we will be there for the first day of Vendemiaire

me: goodness, where did you find out about that?

Greg: French revolution reference.... Like Thermidor

Greg: I'm also completely obsessed with the French Republican Calendar now as you can see...

me: It is extremely badass

Greg: I tried listening to some learn Italian podcasts, but I haven't found a good one. All of them say the words really sssslllloooooooooowwwwwwwwwllllllllllyyyyyy and about 8 times And have horrible music

me: omg. are you searching on itunes?

Greg: Yes

me: I am surprised you haven't tried to find it other plances on line. I have to admit, my french one does have really bad music. It might be a thing.

Greg: I was gonna and then you told me to look on iTunes.... I hold you responsible for horrible italian casio disco torture ;)

me: sweeetness

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reality is harsh.

Seriously, are you ready for this???

Don't hate.
True confessions style, this is my real desk. Right now. Scary huh?

This is one of the reasons I haven't posted any new pages lately. My scanner is similarly buried, so I am finding it difficult to get pages into the computer, and then online.

As you can see, I am not a neat scrapper. My creative process involves a great deal of experimentation and chaos. Also I have a pretty tiny space to work in. It is not usually this bad though. This is a badness of epic proportions.

Right now, my desk is so messy that my creative impulses are literally blocked. Although....I might be able to do a little ATC with that one clean spot.. hmm...

I'm not feeling particularly motivated to clean it up tonight, but I pretty much felt the need to confess my deep shame on the blog as I felt guilty about the earlier post ;)

Anyway, thank goodness for the long weekend coming up. The boy is off to PAX and I shall hopefully be able to make some headway on this mess and make some new stuff.

If I don't get lost. Or buried.... cross fingers. :D

I've got a secret....

and there will be a biiig reveal on the 8th.

Mark your calendars peeps. Monday, September 8th.

Be there or be square.

there might be a giveaway involved. maybe. possibly...


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Today through the viewfinder...

Despite being weak from my cold and having the rain foil my plans for photo taking today, I got a few shots in. Much more practice is still needed, I think.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Everything I know about photography I learned on Flickr

or mostly anyway.

Here is a story for you. Because of my cold, and how yucky I felt, I stayed home from work yesterday. In the afternoon I started to feel better and so I went to to run some errands (shoe repair, groceries, stamp order pickup...). I made a quick stop at the antique mall to look for a particular vintage book. I didn't find it, but as I was just minding my own business on my way out the door this little camera just jumped out at me. "Take me home with you," he said. How could I resist?

Because I needed another hobby...Or maybe it is the same hobby... so it will be okay...

After I brought the little Argus home, I spent a few minutes reading stuff about TTV on Flickr and then with a little duct tape and cardboard (for the contraption) I was all set.

Obviously much practice (and better subject matter) is needed. But I am excited to play around with this as well (Hope the fisheye doesn't get jealous). Oooh that reminds me, I just found a thing of polaroid film in the fridge this morning...

If I can shake this cold I hope to take many photos this weekend. Hope you have a good one.

Happy Saturday :D

Friday, August 22, 2008

I dare you.

So... guess who is guesting with the effer girls today?


enjoy here.hells yes. I love me some dares.

so very very happy. And it's Friday.

yes. life is good.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

August Sweet Spuds

This kit was so awesome to work with. Every month I am surprised and delighted by what Gina puts together. The kits are always just PACKED with goodies. There is some cute stuff coming up next month (goodness is it almost September already?!?!?!)

Here is a "mini-book"that I made with a clipboard.

And here are the rest of my layouts, which were so fun to put together! Scrapping with the fisheye photos is definitely easier than I thought it would be.
I rocked the Dymo like old school this time around.. :D
Thanks for looking!

Cabin Trip Recap

And now, a little recap of my trip to Greg's family's cabin in the Mt. Lassen National Forest area. It is very remote, and very lovely. As relaxing as the trip was, I am very glad to have access to indoor plumbing again.

Anyway, the trip started by flying down to Reno, where we rented a little car to drive up to the cabin...Greg would not let me take pictures while I was driving, so I only got some shots of the part where he was driving. It was beautiful driving country.

Here are some photos of the cabin itself (it really is a log cabin) and the lake.

This is how we made our coffee in the morning. Hand grinder, french press and hot water heated by the propane stove. Love the propane stove.
We went swimming and we went hiking. (Amazing, for me, but true.)
I saw all kinds of animals such as hawks, eagles, osprey, deer, pine martin, blue jays, hummingbirds, butterflies, chipmunks, squirrels...
I had a great time, and there will be a mini book about this trip in my future for sure (how else am I going to use up all that Love, Elsie Forrest stuff?)

Also, not related to the cabin trip, here is a photo of typewriter #3 that I obtained a few weeks ago. Cute huh?
And to finish this post entirely randomly, here is a sneak peek of a little something I have been working on.
And now I am off to bed as I have caught a nasty cold. Sweet Spuds layouts will be up in a bit, as well as hopefully, some other fun and surprising things for tomorrow. :D

Monday, August 18, 2008

Art Journaling in the Wilderness....

I'm back! I survived the cabin trip. I'll do another post all about that, but I figured you might be tired of photo only posts. It seems like forever since I have posted any thing artsy :D

Here are some photos of an art journal I made, out of scrap paper and other odds n ends mostly following this tutorial for the construction. The prompts I have finished now are based on Rachel's recent Art Journaling class. It was truly lovely to play around with art supplies out in the wilderness. So calm and relaxing.
There are still plenty of pages left to fill up in this little book. And I still haven't decorated the cover or anything. I really look forward to playing around in this one some more. Now though, I'm off to go do laundry and get some COFFEE.

Happy Monday!

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