Thursday, January 29, 2009

where I make stuff

I was actually planning on doing a video blog...but then both youtube and blogger video couldn't upload it. Ah well.

Here are some photographs instead.

These are my current favorite polaroids. They are just tucked in the bottom of my big mirror. I have been putting photos on this mirror like this since I was 13.Here is a fisheye view of my new desk setup. I put in the stamp shelf, flipped the corkboard and added some new desk-level storage racks.
This is a closeup of my new stamp storage area. Doesn't hold all of them, but enough that it looks pretty. Greg's mum found this great old typeset box and I got it secured to the wall. It makes me happy just looking at it.
Good thing that Stamper's Anonymous is doing pre-orders on their new CHA releases....

I got a new paint rack from a local stamp shop that is closing down. Sad for the shop, happy for me.Here's some storage... A few things on the wall...This is still very much in progress. I have a few other things I want to do to this area. But for now, it's good.
A few Valentines-ish things that are inspiring a project right now. For some reason, lately I have been really into pink. It's weird, but I am embracing it. And the new Prima releases (dang, if that doesn't help me get over my fear of flowers, I don't know what will).Anyway... here is little grouping on my inspiration cork board. (And again with the pink...)So... here's my bookshelf. It no longer holds books so much as craft supplies.
Here is some fabric storage. And some of my minibooks....
And my Target shelves full of shoes and cameras and clothes.That's pretty much it though. Hopefully the video will successfully download sometime before 2010. And then you can listen to me be a big dork. :D
Have a good one.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

trying to

Sadly, I cannot find my camera cable right now so I am going photo-less on this post.

My room is in utter chaos.
I have been totally in full-on purge/clean/organize mode. Nothing is safe.

This article is really inspiring me right now.

I am trying very hard to overcome my packrat habits and just let things go.

The problem is that my bedroom is a tiny tiny space, and it serves as office, closet, bedroom and crafting place. But I am trying. Looking at websites like Apartment Therapy and Decor8 help.

Four bags of trash, two boxes of donations, a new chest of drawers and a new laundry system later.... I am just about ready to move on to the crafting portion of this nightmare.

Wish me luck.

Back later this week with some evidence of crafting and a tour of my new room. Yay!


running over nails that take out both tires on the right side of your car when you are in the middle of nowhere and 45 minutes from home really sucks. especially when it happens after 5:00 on a Sunday. Thank goodness for fix-a-flat.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


At last, here are my creations with the January Sweet Spuds kit.
I made some layouts....

And a minibook about my favorite songs for 2008. The book is made with gesso covered record sleeve bits. And the cover is a little record with some messed up polaroids and other cool little bits. I kind of love it.
The full mini book starts here... there are 18 pictures, so I decided not to post it all on the blog.

Sadly, this is the last Sweet Spuds kit I will get to play with. The shop will be closing down after this month. So.. I believe the January kit will be the last one available (besides what is for sale in the shop right now).
I am excited for the future opportunities available to Gina and all the talented girls on the design team. I wish everyone the best and I am so incredibly greatful to have been a part of such a lovely business. It was wonderful. Thank you so much for the best 16 months of inspiration and creativity a girl could ask for.
Additionally, I have decided to step down as a Mojo girl effective with this last challenge. This month marked my 12 month anniversary on the ScrapMojo team. I am greatful to Marie for the opportunity and have LOVED being a Mojo girl and playing along with all the challenges. I know I will still "see" everyone on the internet and I may even play along a time or two. :D
All this change might seem weird, but I have been taking a good hard look at how I create, and all the stuff that I have, and the things I want to make and I realized that I need a little ME time.
I need time to reflect.
I need some time to go through my art supplies and evaluate my processes and just enjoy a little time to create without the pressure of a deadline.
I am so excited to see what comes of this new creative time in my life.
I promise that I will still be making lots of pretty things and posting them on the blog.
I am ready to learn more about photography. I am ready to play with metals and wax and paper and canvas and fabric. I am ready to catch up on the classes and projects I have pushed aside.
I just feel that these things are really important for me right now. I am ready to shake things up a bit.

I am ready for change.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An historic occasion

Take the first step in faith.
You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
--Martin Luther King, Jr. Have a good one.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Proof of scrapbooking

see? I can still throw down with the paper, glue and scissors.

...and stamps and paint and lace and... well, you get the idea.
good times.

life in photos + my word for 2009

so... aside from being sick, I did some other stuff while I was away from the blogging.

here is a little photo catchup of the last week or so...
My word for 2009 is reflect.
(rĭ-flěkt') v. re·flect·ed, re·flect·ing, re·flects
v. tr.
To throw or bend back (light, for example) from a surface.
To give back or show an image of (an object); mirror.
To make apparent; express or manifest: Her work reflects intelligence.
To bring as a consequence: Her success reflects credit on her teachers
Archaic To bend back.
v. intr.
To be bent or thrown back:
To give something back, as light or sound: a shiny surface that reflects well.
To give evidence of the characteristics or qualities of someone or something:
To bring blame or discredit: .
To think seriously.
To express carefully considered thoughts:

Sounds about right.
Back later with some peeks of the new sweet spuds stuff.
Happy Sunday.

a lovely surprise

Miss Shimelle is offering a free class.

It seems perfect for right now. I'm looking forward to it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

thursday nothings

busy week.

working and making art and living life.
right now I am taking a break from sleeping off my fever to catch up on blogging.
being sick is no fun at all. thank goodness for soup. and the internet.
this week I made my first ever bundt cake (apple cake, yum).
lately, my computer has been making scary noises, particularly when I was using photoshop and when I would load fonts. Also it only had about one gig of space left... so when I found an insane deal (that involved calling Best Buy like eight times and stalking the store's delivery truck) I bought a new laptop.
It is very good. I had forgotten how good it is to have a fast computer. Playing around with the Europe photos in Photoshop. Going from things like this:
To this:I have decided on my word for 2009. I shall save that for a post that is slightly more dynamic though. And I shall have to make something pretty to share, no?
That's pretty much it around here though.
Going back to sleep now.
peace out.

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