Tuesday, April 28, 2009

productivity check.

play with art journals? check.

make faux TTVs for upcoming project? check.
cover Danielle box minibooks with Amy Butler Lotus paper for 2008 in review project? check.

Edit collages for the SF minibook? Check.

Hmm.... what's left? Catching up on emails and blogs mostly.

Hope all is well.

Happy Tuesday.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Crazy canvas playtime

Playing around with art journaling techniques on a little 5x5 canvas.

Not 100% happy with this one, as it is a little bit too purple.
The process was very educational though.
Thanks for looking!

time together

Here is the layout I made last week. It's one of my favorites. Today has been great. Went to breakfast at the Essential Bakery in Freemont. Then a lovely walk in Gasworks park.

Playing with paint in my art journal... I'll have a post to share later with a new canvas.
Still in love with my new camera. The TZ film is $3 a shot, so I'm being a little stingy with them. This is my new favorite photo.
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

plan for the weekend

yup, I bought another camera. an original SX-70.

I had no idea. No idea whatsoever that polaroid cameras were this cool. I mean, it's an SLR. And a polaroid. Also, it's made of chrome and leather. And folds up flat.

So awesome.
good times.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Inchies are the Twitter of Scrapbooking"

At least, according to my boyfriend.
It's my turn to post on the LT Blog. I decided to experiment with inchies using the April kits.

Due to some unforseen circumstances (i.e. car trouble that causes me to get home after dark) I have not yet been able to photo my Wisteria layout. Bummer. Hopefully in the next day or so.

So so excited that tomorrow is Friday.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Purple Scrappy Goodness

I have been waiting and waiting for the new Basic Grey Wisteria line to come out. Today I got a call from my LSS that they had it in.

Unlike with Porcelain, where I loved pretty much every paper in the line, I only really like about half the papers in this line.

But of course after work today I still drove on up to Lynnwood to get me some. Wisteria, that is.
And I made a layout too. But it is too dark to photograph properly.
Here are some sneaks though.

I had so much fun. Spray inks and stamping and MS punches and distress inks and my star punch. Good times.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

weekend recap

I have been such a bad blogger lately. Being sick has left me with absolutely zero creative energy. Been pretty much just going to work and coming home to veg out.

The two highlights of my week were the day we had beautiful blue skies and 60 degree weather, and the day I got a pretty red scarf for $1 at a Christmas clearance sale at work (it was part of a store display for SBC, but easily modified back into a normal scarf).Other than that, really nothing exciting. Well... I did have one of my LT layouts featured on the Hambly blog. You can see it here.

I started on another minibook. I know I shouldn't as there are about four other things ahead of it in the queue, but sometimes you just gotta work on what inspires you. I love the bright colors of this little pre-fab MAMBI book I found at Michaels the other day.

I am adding plenty of my own touches in order to customize it a bit. It's fun. I am currently waffling about what I want the theme to be... and which photos to use. I am leaning towards a TTV mini, as I haven't done anything with them in a while. But I might go with some graffitti pics... or maybe some photos from Alki. Hmmm, we'll see.
That is pretty much all for now. Hope your weekend is going well.
Happy Sunday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Label Tulip: A Walk In The Park

oh yes, it is reveal night!

Check out the pretties in the gallery here. Our guest designer is one of my favorite artists, Celine Navarro!

I made four layouts and a card. Yes, a card.
I made this one for the member lift challenge:
With this one, I was playing around with the patterned papers and had them all fanned out, and really just liked the way they looked. So a little cutting and trimming and voila. Sunburst pattern on a diecut shape. I think the pearls add the perfect girlie touch.And here is my card. I like it so much I might not give it away. ;)
Here I used some Heidi Swapp masks and distress inks to add some depth to the light colored background of the card. And then of course, I stamped. I think this is my favorite layout from this set. I am soo in love with prima and hambly stuff right now....This layout was made for the monthly challenge: go monochrome. I chose to go with a color that is REALLY challenging for me, orange.Distress inks + glimmer mist = awesome!
(note the adorable and exclusive LT letterpress notecard here? loved it.)Here is a fun layout to document a date night. It was from last summer.. Hmmm, might be time for another one pretty soon, no?And the kit is here.
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Label Tulip Sneak Peeks

Still sick.

But I got some creating done anyway. Check it:

If you like that, be sure to check out the Label Tulip gallery tomorrow at 6pm PST for the full gallery reveal.

Speaking of LT, did you know that once per month a Tulip Girl picks a member layout from the gallery and all the Tulip Girl scraplift it? And that person gets a prize?

I'm just saying, you might want to go upload some stuff over there and say hi. There are some very nice people that hang out on that board.
I'll be be back tomorrow with my layouts, and some other things to share.
Now I must be away to the bookstore and to buy some soup for dinner.
Happy Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


These stamps by Rubber Soul. How can you NOT love them?
(image is courtesy of their website)

Digital papers by KI. Now I can finally stop hoarding my stash of Toby. ;)
I have also been obsessing over Martha Stewart edge punches. I really do prefer them over the Fiskars ones, simply because of the way the handle is set. I am so happy you can use Michaels coupons on them.
I just got this one. Can you say, drippy paint? Yes! This one will definitely be making an appearance on a layout very soon.
Also contemplating picking up the new crop-o-dile edge chomper.. but I already have a paper gator... then again, I am not all that happy with the paper gator (it is hugemongus and hard to set the dies correctly). Anyone get this yet?

As for me, I have been fighting off a cold. The weather decided to go from super warm to super chilly very quickly. That kind of thing always messes with my immune system.
Also have been busy working on my LT projects. I have 1.25 layouts completed. I will get some sneaks up when I have more done. Such a good kit. At first I was absolutely paralyzed by the sheer amount of possibilities. Then I just dove in and started cutting. :D
I love love love the colors in this one.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

a bit of sunshine

The weekend was pretty perfect.
A lot of time outside in the lovely weather. Some quality time with my cherry trees.
A lot of relaxing and cooking. A little cleaning even got done.
A lot of time spent with the boy.
A little bit of crafting.
And the best part is that I did find my camera. And promptly took a self portrait to celebrate.
Happy Sunday.

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