Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Week in the Life: Finished Book Part One

Still working on finishing the last four days of the book, but I had the first four days totally done, and I had time to photograph them today, so I'm sharing the first half of the book now. :)

You should be able to click on the images to see them in better detail.

Opening Page





And I'll try and finish up the rest this weekend and photo them asap. Until then, here's a peek at the unfinished pages.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Progress Report

Meet my new baby--a Smith-Corona Galaxie Twelve. Aside from smelling a bit smoky and old-man-ish, it is pretty much perfect. I grabbed this typewriter (lucky #5) at a local goodwill for $30.

It is by far my best thrifting score in a long while. It even had the manual, some brushes, and the case key included. This little beauty types in cursive and fits a 12x12 piece of paper like a champ. The type comes out a little smudgy, but I kind of like it.

I've not been blogging as much maybe you've wondered where have I been? Out and about. Sick. Dealing with some expensive car troubles. Dealing with, well living life. It's been a very busy month.

I've not had a lot of craftiness to report... being sick especially zaps my creative impulses. Lack of crafting success actually makes me reluctant to blog, thus the lack of posts. This is of course, a ridiculous feeling.. but there you have it.

For my mid-year creative check in (it's almost June, you know) I've set a personal goal to journal and share on the blog much more frequently. Less targeted content, more in the moment. Just to try it out.

I also want to be better about commenting back on other blogs. I'm such a lurker. And Google Reader only enables this...So we'll see.

Anyway, I've got some peeks of the Week in the Life book to share now. I've gotten a few pages finished, but not fully photographed. I'm almost done with the whole thing.. just need to add the journaling and some more embellishments. Not too many more embellishments though, as the 40 pages I've stuck in there are just about straining the binder's capacity.

At this point, I've been working on this book for like a month. It's well worth it, but man, it's been a lot of work.

So that's my post for today. Hope you are well.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why I heart the Seattle Public Library

I love books. I love free books even more.

I am so fortunate to live in Seattle, as there is so much cool stuff to see (and photograph) like Pike Place Market, Alki Beach, Gasworks Park, the Freemont Troll, etc.

But there is one place that has my heart, and it often gets overlooked. The Central Library!

The Central branch of our library system is in a relatively new building. Unlike most of the modern architecture in the city (cough EMPSFM cough) it is both lovely and functional.

On a rainy Sunday afternoon I decided to take a trip downtown and stock up on some books, and also to take some photos with the mustache and my new holga camera. The ones in this post were all from my powershot... but you get the idea.

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