Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lady of Mystery and Magic (Altered Card)

The other day I had a wild and desperate need to get my hands painty and NOT work on something that required task batching (i.e. putting class kits together).

This was the result. Scraps and stamps and playing with paint. Good stuff. And just perfect for October.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Felt Garland

Fall has finally arrived here in Seattle. The weather has dropped back down into the 50s, the rain has been nearly constant, and I have a fever and the sniffles.

Despite that, this is still my favorite tie of the year. During a rare free moment (i.e. not working for starbucks or on things for the etsy), I put together a little felt leaf garland to hang over the doorway to the kitchen.

I used a sizzix die to cut the felt, and then just did a running stitch with a few different shades of orange embroidery floss to make the actual garland. A few buttons from an old Autumn leaves set help finish the look and add some weight.

It looks kind of cozy. Just right for fall.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Portland Minibook Walkthrough

Portland CKC Minibook Overview from christinaclouse on Vimeo.

Enjoy the video... stills of the book forthcoming (if it ever stops raining!)

Feel free to pause the video at any point to check out the pages in more detail, we are flipping through pretty fast and furious here. ;)

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