Thursday, December 15, 2011

Vintage Christmas Inspiration

Ah yes, another walkthrough at Pacific Antiques Gallery. Delightful and inspiring sights to see....lots of christmas sparkle and the faded patina of christmas past.

I couldn't resist taking home two little jars of vintage glass glitter. They had adorable shaker tops, and were priced just right. If only I had room for some of those other goodies....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A very merry weekend.

My weekend was filled with holiday goodness (and it's about time too). 

Saturday began with a trip to the french bakery for breakfast (ganache mochas, yum!), followed by a walk on alki with the boy. It was fun! We saw giant razor clam shells, mussels, a sea anemone husk and even a giant purple jellyfish. 

After our morning together, I abandoned the boy to hang out with friends at their apartment. Gingerbread cupcakes from cupcake royale were had (look at the teeny gingerbread man sprinkles!). We trimmed the tree and listened to classic christmas music. Very festive.

That evening, I met up with Greg again and we headed over to his folks' house for our annual "drink-eggnog-and-decorate-santa-cookies" festivities. Look at all those cookies. That is a LOT of hard work. 

On Sunday, I headed down to some suburbs to hang out with friends and make christsmas cards. Denise, Ashley and baby June all had a fun time crafting and playing with Denise's puppies. Ashley even brought a bunch of her very famous baked treats: handmade truffles and nanaimo bars. We totally got hopped up on sugar and coffee and the joy of playing with stamps and punches. 

I didn't finish my cards, and I had waaaaay too much sugar this weekend, but I loved spending all this time with my friends and doing fun things. That's a good weekend to me. :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

JYC: Mini Update

This is my little train case of Christmas embellishments. It makes me so, so happy to rifle through it.(Also, a vintage train case is a way cuter way to store these than the paper sack I was using.)

Finally feel like I'm making progress in my cleaning and organizing. And since I actually was able to clear off my desk enough to scrap tonight, I wanted to pop by and share a few photos of my in-progress holiday journal.

Prompt #2 is totally done, yay! Prompt #3 will be finished once I add some instax photos from my upcoming weekend...

Prompt #4 is aaalmost done. I'm fussing over how I want to do the journaling page. Once I figure it out, I can photograph all these spreads properly.

This weekend looks to be full of holiday-festive-ness.

I'll be taking lots of photos for sure. Happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Urban Craft Uprising, Winter 2011

This past weekend (before a plague descended upon the house), I had to opportunity to attend the Winter Urban Craft Uprising show. I did a few things differently with this go-round though. I went much later in the afternoon, and I went with two friends!

It was really nice to sleep in (and there were still plenty of craft goodies) and I wasn't really missing the bag of swag too much. My first visit was to the Creation Station booth. They have all kinds of good junk. For six dolla I picked up some good woodgrain laminate board and a few vintage wallpaper samples as well as some bits of leather and some bookrings. 

All three of us girls were completely enamored with the Eggnog Toffee from Tweet Toffee. They also had a super cute booth setup. I bought myself a recycled cashmere hat (it had ruffles!) and Raine and I both bought fancy tea smoked pear preserves at bigspoonjam. We oogled the cupcakes at Look Cake and I visited with the lovely folks at Tako Fibers as well as newcomers This Tiny Existence

There were some completely adorable robot ornaments at Ken C Judd's booth. Denise found lots of inspiration at some of the sewing-related booths. Polly Danger was so incredibly cute and amazing. Her booth was like a copy of Mollie Makes come to life.

We also especially loved the accessories at Amy Bengston, Vermilio, and Fernworks. I still love me some Fable & Fury, though I didn't get anything this time. 

I was really happy to see a lot of letterpress and artisan paper goods booths. Constellation & Co and Slide Sideways are two of my favorites. I also liked the goods at Lark Press and Little Otsu.

I got to do a sample screenprint ornament (the deer below) with a kit from SimpleKraft. We finished the show on a good note. Presents purchased and a good time had. 

Afterwards, we stopped for lunch and coffee and then we went to a tree lot and picked out a tree for Raine's apartment. Afterwards, there was Target shopping. It was a long good day out with the girls. 

Definitely puts me in a holiday mood.

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