hey there. long time no blog.
how have you been?
I've been really busy this last week. I started the new job (whilst still doing the old one). Was in a little fender bender (not my fault, but annoying all the same). I have been diligently working on my sweet spuds dt stuff. I have a ton of ideas for layouts and other projects but they are all patiently waiting in the wings. Priorities, priorities....
As a special treat, I went out for cupcakes with the boy. Mmmm love Cupcake Royale.

I gots my hairs did today. A little trim-up of the ends and a reshape on the bangs. Turned out pretty nice. Loved the green lighting in the dressing room.

Also, Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there.
We celebrated by having dinner with Greg's family. Here you can see the little card I whipped up to go with the baker's edge pan that we bought for G's mom. She liked it very much.
Thanks for all the lovely comments on the post before last. Appreciate the support. :D
That's really all for now. I'll get some sneaks up for the sweet spuds goodness as soon as the lighting gets better. It has been grey and rainy all weekend.
peace out.

LOVE the green lighting photo!
HOPE you post that to Flickr too!
What?! You got coffee from someplace OTHER than SBUX??
Sorry - I was having PC issues...I'm the deleted comment.
just want you to know that i love your blog! it's the first one i check each day. i love to see your scrapbooking layouts and other creative ideas. you do a great job & are very inspiring!!
Ooooh, I miss Cupcake Royale! Brett still wears his shirt.
Your kit should be there Thursday!
Thanks for the sweet words!
hey Christina,
I wanna tell you, I love your blog so much. It's so inspiring to me. I have a question. On the first photo of this message are Alpha stamps. Could you tell me from whitch company the Alpha on the right side comes from? I Love it so much. Hope you would help me.
Lots of love from Holland.
Wow -- those cupcakes look amazing!
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