Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week in the Life: Friday

Hurray for Fridays! Work again passed by in a blur. A lot of time was tying up loose ends as a new project begins the next week. My afternoon pumpkin loaf + coffee snack saved the day.

After work, G and I went over to his folks' house for some tasty dinners. Much good food was consumed. Much talk in the manner of TGIF occurred. It had been a long week, and we were all pretty tired.
After we got home, I fiddled around with some polaroid film, and started some prep-work for Ashley and Nick's wedding. Got the typewriter all cleaned and repaired, and also worked on their little handmade card/gift combo. Edited photos and tried to work on catching up the blog.
Went to bed far too late.

1 comment:

dianna said...

You are so good. I'm still trying to figure mine out.
LOVE your photos*!*

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